Screening date:01/12/2011 -- 20h30
Partage / Sharing

A couple can only afford one pair of shoes for both of their children, who have to share them. The girl goes to school in the morning; the boy goes in the afternoon. It goes on until the day when...

Country: Libya
Production: Salah Ghuwedr
Year: 2010
Director: Salah Ghuwedr
Editing: Fawwad Kahn
Cinematography: Evangelos Vlachakis
Sound: Dave Tomlison
Music: Jake & Dave Tomlison
Cast: Abduuelrahim Ettaher, Zuhra Mosbah, Lamis Sadig, Mahmud Gweder, Nuri Gweder
DV –  11'

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Salah Ghuwedr is from Libya.

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