Screening date:13/12/2011 -- 18h00
Me and My Father
A typical everyday life for a Palestinian breadwinner leaving the occupied territories to work in Israel in construction work: Separated from wife and children, living in plastic fabricated shelters for a month. The reunion of father and daughter is a warm moment, no longer just a cell phone relationship.
Country: Palestine/Qatar/ItalyProduction: F-cube films Ltd, Maurizio Santarelli; Trabelsi Productions, Osnat Trabelsi
Year: 2008
Director: Juliano Mer-Khamis
Editing: Marco Bucci
DV – 28'
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Juliano Mer-Khamis was an Israeli actor, director, filmmaker and political activist of Jewish and Christian Arab parentage. On April 4, 2011 at the age of 52, he was assassinated by masked gunmen in the Palestinian city of Jenin, where he had established The Freedom Theatre.
2003 – Arna's Children
2008 – Me and My Father