Screening date:04/11/2011 -- 18h00
Fragments of a Revolution

Fragments of a Revolution goes beyond the headlines and the tweets to tell the story of the protests that swept Iran in the aftermath of the disputed 2009 presidential election. This unusual process leads to a film with an astounding immediacy. We alternate between events in Tehran and the anonymous director's attempts to make sense of them - until the two storylines converge in early 2010.

Fragments of a Revolution is not the definitive, objective record of this powerful opposition movement that swept the country. But it is a remarkable and impressionistic inside view of the movement, through the images and words of those it most closely affected.

: France
Production: .Mille et Une. Films  - Tel : +33 2 23 44 03 59 - Fax : +33 2 23 44 03 63
Year: 2011
Director: Ana Nyma
DVcam –  55'

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Directed by an anonymous Iranian living in exile, the film brings together clandestinely sent emails, online videos and footage shot by protesters in the midst of demonstrations.

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