Screening date:05/12/2009 -- 15h30
Palestine, Summer 2006

Palestine, Summer 2006, a project initiated by the Palestinian Film Collective, is an entertaining compilation of short works by thirteen different film and video artists. Drama, animation, comedy, and "cinéma vérité" segments of three minutes or less using one shot and expressing an experience of summer in Palestine 2006 create singular evocations of Palestine.

Red. Dead, and Mediterranean
by Akram Al-Ashqar

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Country: Palestine
Year: 2006
Production: Nicolas Wadimoff - Rowan Al Faqih
Director: Palestinian Filmmakers' Collective
Concept / Idea: Ismael Habbash, Annemarie Jacir, Raed Andoni
Editing: Nahed Awwad, Annemarie Jacir
Sound: Sylvain Thiellein, Manu Hangrecker
Music: Kamran Rastegar
DV - 35'

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